Sourcify the text
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This is the "fun" part of sourcifying the biblical text because it's when we see the most visual change. I hope you enjoy the journey.
In the toolbar you can use the book and chapter selectors to choose your chapter to work on. Once selected, the biblical content should appear automatically (you may need to wait a few seconds depending on your internet speed).
The orange blocks of text are highlighted in that way to grab your attention and to communicate the following: "Pay Attention to this verse. You most likely have to split and sourcify it manually."
Put your cursor in the right place and split the text by pressing ENTER. This will create a new orange block. You should now have two (2) orange blocks.
Place your cursor anywhere IN the block that you want to sourcify. If the text is to be black, click "The Narrator ([name])" button in the toolbar. The text color should match the color of the Source => Recipient Button. If the text is to be red, green or blue, please make sure you find the correct Source => Recipient Button for that specific block. See visual demo below.
If there are two (2) blocks, one after another, that share the same Source => Recipient data, those blocks should merge. When merging blocks it's important to remember that the bottom block will take on the attributes of the top block.
For example, if there are two (2) black blocks, one after another, they should be merged so that there is only one (1) Source => Recipient name displayed. Don't worry about paragraph breaks for now. You can do that at another point in time.
When you split the verse into two (2) orange blocks it is very common that you will need to merge the bottom orange block with the following colored block. Before merging them together make sure you sourcify the orange block. If you don't the bottom block will take on the attributes of the orange block and both of them will become one big orange block. In this case our practice is to click the Source => Recipient button that matches the bottom colored block so that the orange block takes on the same attributes as the bottom block and then merge the two together.
Continually go through the entire chapter and sourcify all the orange blocks.
This editor does not auto-save. You will be required to save your work as you go. We have built in some reminders along the way, but it is your responsibility to save your work. When your work is saved the "Save" Button will turn grey.