Translation Pages

Translation is a big part of the work that needs to be done. We are presenting the Bible in many languages in a unique format: The SourceView Bible format. This format requires translation for the user in a given language to engage with. There are 6 major parts that need translation into the language you are working on:


Sources are the unique characters in the Bible that speak. Every time there is a speaking part in the Bible we display who is speaking.


Each book of the Bible includes an introduction. These introductions provide basic information to help the reader better understand the book they will read. It also has a unique “SourceView Insights” section that provides some interesting observations that the SourceView Bible highlights. This translation work gets its own special part in the docs: Introduction Translation.

Book Names

Each book of the Bible needs to have the correct translation of its name for the references we display in the Reader.

Segment Titles

The SourceView Reader (which will display the work that you are doing) provides the biblical text in 365 segments. Each segment has a unique title which will need to be translated.


Each segment in the Reader has its own set of questions that will need to be in the reader’s language.

SourceView Reader UI: (coming soon)

These are different parts of the SourceView Reader user interface that need to be in the user’s language (like buttons, instructions, etc.)

There are some basic instructions on each of those pages.


Each translation page will look similar:

  1. A brief introduction to this page and the work to do on it.

  2. Book Selector: this filters down all the data to focus on just the parts of translation that you need to do for a specific book. This allows us to publish the content one book at a time, which speeds up the product develop. NOTE: not all translation pages have a book selector.

  3. A table that shows the text that needs to be translated and a place to enter that translation.

The text in the left column is the SourceView content to be translated. For example, in the Sources page (as in the image above) there is a table of sources that are used in the book of Luke. One source on this list (second from the top) is “Luke”. You would put your translation for the name “Luke” in the right column:

When a new translation is entered into the table, the save button at the left of the screen will turn green and display how many unsaved translations are in the table. To save your data, click the green “Save” button.

Once a translation is saved, it will display a green check mark at the far right of the table row. The table cells will also be highlighted in green like below:

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